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Our goal is always to help patients maintain their oral health and to protect their natural teeth.

Preventive and Diagnostic

Maintaining oral health includes good home care and regular visits to our office for preventive care, which includes oral examinations and cleanings. Comprehensive examinations of the mouth, teeth, surrounding gum tissues, and supporting bone structures help to identify any areas of concern and help with the early detection and treatment of problematic conditions. Preventive care including exams, cleanings, root canals and extractions to maintain oral health.

patient at dentist
An oral evaluation is recommended every six (6) months to prevent cavities and other dental problems. During an oral evaluation, a thorough examination of the mouth, head, and neck is performed to detect abnormalities.
Regular cleanings help keep gums healthy and teeth cavity-free. A dental cleaning includes removal of tartar and plaque and polishing of the teeth to remove stains and prevent further buildup of plaque.
Dental sealants are made of a safe resin material which is applied to the surfaces of teeth (commonly permanent molars) to prevent cavities. The sealant material fills in the crevices of a tooth and “seals” off the tooth from cavity-causing agents like food and plaque. The teeth are prepared for the sealant application and the sealant is painted directly onto the chewing surface of each tooth and then hardens. Sealants are applied in one visit.
Fluoride is a natural substance that helps strengthen teeth and prevent decay. Fluoride treatments are administered at this office as an important component of pediatric dental treatment. The fluoride is applied to the teeth in a gel, foam, or varnish form.

Restorative Dentistry

Even with excellent care, teeth and gums can be susceptible to disease, infection, cavities, cracks, or other forms of damage. Restorative dentistry helps preserve natural teeth and helps maintain oral and overall health even when the health of one or more teeth or the surrounding areas is compromised. The goal of restorative dentistry is to restore the function and integrity of the tooth structure, function, and health while maintaining a natural appearance. Fillings, dental crowns, dental bridges, dentures, and dental implants help restore the appearance and function of natural teeth.

Tooth-colored fillings are the most lifelike material used to fill cavities. Composite fillings can be done in one visit. Once the decay is removed, the tooth is filled with this composite material that hardens immediately after placement.
An inlay or onlay is a partial crown restoration that can be placed when there is not sufficient tooth structure to support a filling but enough tooth structure left that a full crown is not needed. Inlays/onlays are made of porcelain or gold, and they aesthetically and functionally replace the missing tooth structure.
A crown is a dental restoration that completely covers the outside of a severely decayed tooth. Dental crowns can be completed in two visits. During the first visit, the tooth is prepared and an impression is taken. A temporary crown is placed while the permanent crown is being made. During the second visit, the permanent crown is carefully fitted and then cemented into place for a permanent restoration.

A bridge can replace missing teeth without the use of a denture or dental implant. A bridge is composed of two crowns and a replacement tooth or teeth. Crowns are typically placed on the teeth on either side of the space, with the fabricated tooth or teeth attached in between.

For multiple missing teeth, an implant may be used to anchor the bridge.
Dental implants are composed of three pieces: a small screw made of a biocompatible metal called titanium, an abutment which connects the screw and the final restoration, and the final restoration. The screw, which is placed in the jawbone, acts as a replacement for the tooth root, providing a strong foundation for fixed or removable replacement teeth. The screw begins to fuse with the bone over the course of a few months. After the fusing process, known as osseointegration, the abutment is inserted into the screw to allow for the permanent attachment of the restoration.
A denture is a removable replacement for missing teeth. There are two types of dentures: Complete (Full) and Partial Dentures.
Root canals are most often necessary when decay has reached the nerve of the tooth or the tooth has become infected. When root canal therapy is performed, infected or inflamed pulp is removed from the tooth chamber. The inside of the tooth is then cleaned and disinfected before being filled and sealed to limit the possibility of future infection. Soon after the root canal is performed, the tooth is restored with a dental crown or filling to protect the tooth and restore normal tooth function.
A tooth that can not be saved with restorative materials may need to be removed. First, the area will be numbed with anesthesia. The tooth is then loosened with a special dental instrument known as an elevator. After the tooth is loosened from the socket, it is removed. Stitches may be necessary after the removal of a tooth.
Many sports require athletes to use a mouth guard to protect their teeth while practicing and playing. Frequently used in contact sports, the mouth guard covers the gums and teeth to provide protection for lips, gums, teeth, and arches. A properly fitted mouth guard can reduce the severity of dental injuries.

We make custom-fitted night guards to alleviate stress on the temporal mandibular joint (TMJ) which may be resulting in soreness or pain. 
Scaling and Root Planing Patient

Cosmetic Dentistry

Our office also provides cosmetic dentistry services and procedures. This means that we not only pay attention to the health and function of your teeth, but we also pay close attention to aesthetics. Whitening, Invisalign®, veneers, bonding, and microabrasion to improve aesthetics, giving you the confidence to share your smile with the world. We want you to maintain great oral health but we also want you to have a beautiful smile and the confidence to smile often!

Dental Exam
Whitening, also known as bleaching, is the procedure used to brighten teeth. There are two different ways to achieve a desired whiter smile: in-office bleaching and at-home bleaching.

Clear aligner trays can be used for mild to moderate tooth movement in order to achieve the desired alignment, function and smile. The dentist will work with you to develop a treatment plan and a series of clear aligners will be used to achieve the desired result. Each aligner set is worn for a specific timeframe before the patient moves on the then next in the series. Each set of aligners gently guides the teeth into the desired position and alignment.
Porcelain veneers are thin pieces of porcelain used to recreate the natural appearance of teeth. To place a veneer, a thin layer of the original tooth enamel must be removed. Afterward, an adhesive layer is placed between the prepared tooth and the veneer. The adhesive is then hardened with the use of a specialized curing light.

Additional Services

We offer a wide range of treatments for our patients to support your dental health. We believe that excellent oral health has a significant impact on our patients’ lives and provide services to help our patients maintain or improve their oral health.

The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is similar to a sliding hinge that connects your jawbone to your skull. TMJ disorders can cause pain in the jaw joint and in the muscles that control jaw movement.
Prosthodontics, also known as prosthetic dentistry, is the dental specialty pertaining to the diagnosis, treatment planning, rehabilitation and maintenance of the oral function, comfort, appearance and oral health of dental patients. Prosthodontics is one of the nine recognized specialties of the American Dental Association.

patient at dentist
Looking for a practice in the Chelmsford area? Contact us at 978-251-7000 to schedule an appointment today!

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22 Middlesex Street
North Chelmsford, MA 01863-1688
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